Microsoft wurde von der Europäischen Regulierungsbehörde das Trademark für den Windows Vista Systemfont verweigert. Wie die Behörde feststellt handelt es sich um ein Plagiat der Schrift Frutiger Next dessen Copyright die Linotype GmbH hält.
Interessant sind vielleicht die Details der Begründung, die darlegt, welche Aspekte der Schrift als ausreichend identisch angesehen werden, um ein Plagiat zu begründen:
As rightfully observed by the Applicant and uncontested by the Holder, the prior design and the RCD are to be considered identical. The typefaces of both designs have the same stroke thickness. The ratio from cap-height to descender height is equal. The proportion of character height to character
pitch is identical. The type face in the specimen text does not show any differences. The minuscule “a”, “c”, “e” “g” and “t” have the same proportion in the prior design and the RCD. The height of the crossbeam at the “e” is identical. The height of the bow at the “a” is identical. The “c” shows the same shape and the same loophole. The lowercase “s” and the capital “S” show the same sweep. The capital “G” and “S” are totally identical in both designs. The numeric characters “3”, “5”, “6” and “9” do not show any difference.